Thursday 29 January 2015

Increase height

Here are  tips to increase your height with a brief review of each height increase methods

Healthy lifestyle How to increase height
->Eat healthy foods with a balanced nutrition. Find out more here
-> Exercise a lot especially type of exercise that can lengthen the muscle like swimming, cycling,basket ball, etc.
-> Sleep well at least 8 hours everyday
->Don't smoke and stay away from people who smoke
-> Don't take illicit drugs and don't drink alcohol

Natural Ways to Grow Taller, Height increase insoles

There's guarantee that you'll gain height by living healthy since many factors might affect your body height. If you're still on your puberty phase, the successful rate is higher than if you're an adult. But becoming healthful is a great thing, anything you obtain from the process should be considered as an extra bonus, included your body height increase. This is one of the best ways to grow taller naturally.

Exercises to increase height

Try search for "grow taller exercises" or "stretching exercises to increase height" in Google and you'll get plenty of websites that provide free stretching exercises to increase height. The movement in the exercise is specially designed to lengthen human body. The exercise might help in improving your body height. Although the effectiveness of the exercises to increase height is not known yet, it won't hurt to give it a try. You can also learn more about exercises to increase height in these article: (1) Height Increasing Exercises to Make You Taller; (2) Hanging to Increase Height.

Yoga exercises :

Yoga is a very old regimen from India that promotes personal health, spirituality and wellness. It has demonstrated to help many people to stay in shape while simultaneously assisting them to live a healthy lifestyle. And when it comes to yoga and height increase, doing yoga does not increase one height, unless you're still in your growth phase. Rather, it helps to stretch and elongate your spine, thus creates space and develops your spinal muscles. You'll then hold yourself up more properly thus most likely look taller. Read further about yoga: Yoga Exercise for Height Increase

Benefits of Yoga to Increase Height

Every one of us desires to become tall. Some of us even wonder whether it is possible to increase height in the natural way even after we cross the actual age of growing. Well, yoga is the solution for this. Yoga can do wonders to overall improve our posture and stature and make us tall or look tall.

Some rigorous Yoga postures can help in stretching and lengthening our spine. But when we want to start, we should start with simple exercises. Height is co-related with the length of our bones. After a particular age, the bones’ length does not increase. But it has been proved that yoga can assist in correcting our posture and add a few inches to our height.

For improving your balance and maintaining a good posture, Trikonasana is also recommended. Also know as the Triangle Pose, this asana helps in relieving tension as well.

How to do Trikonasana?

Stand with your legs 3 to 4 feet apart.  Your feet should remain parallel to each other. Raise your hands. Your hands should be at a straight line with your shoulders. Now bend towards your right side. With the fingers of your right hand, touch the toes of your right leg.  Raise your left hand upwards, look up towards your left hand. Maintain this position for a minute. Repeat this procedure with your other side. While doing this, take several deep breaths. Then, inhale and straighten your body. Next exhale as you move your arms to your toes.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

yoga affect your life ?

You can feel frustrated or relaxed by yoga. It can help you release tension and unwind, or you can end up wanting to bang your head against the wall if you're not as flexible as you might like. Yoga can affect your life in a number ways. The way it specifically affects your life depends on you, your body, your outlook and your goals.

Physical Wellness
Yoga can have a positive affect on your life due to its numerous physical benefits. A regular yoga practice can help increase your level of flexibility, range of motion and muscle strength and improve your posture. Yoga may help you manage the effects of certain chronic health conditions, including cancer and chronic pain, according to the Mayo Clinic. Yoga may even improve your quality of sleep. A study published in 2004 in the journal, "Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback," found that yoga improved the quality of sleep and reduced the number of awakenings in study participants with chronic insomnia.

Mental Wellness
Yoga may improve your overall feeling of mental well-being by helping you develop better coping mechanisms during times of stress. It may also reduce the symptoms of certain mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression. A study published in 2005 in the "Medical Science Monitor" found that distressed women experienced a significant reduction in symptoms of anxiety, depression and perceived stress and reported improved feelings of well-being after participating in an intensive three-month yoga program.

Spiritual Wellness
There's not much clinical evidence to support the claim, but many practitioners of yoga believe that it can provide a number of spiritual benefits. In her book, "Living Your Yoga: Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life," yoga instructor, physical therapist and psychologist Judith Lasater explains that practicing yoga means "to commit to developing awareness by observing our lives." Through various asanas, pranayama breath techniques and meditation, yoga helps you develop an attitude of mindfulness and an accepting, non-judgmental attitude toward yourself and others. Yoga can support you on your voyage of self-discovery and self-realization, says Dr. Swami Shankardev Saraswati in an article for Yoga Journal.

Negative Impact
As with all physical activities, you run the risk of injury while practicing yoga, especially if you perform the poses incorrectly. And some forms of yoga may cause more harm than good, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Bikram, or "hot," yoga, may increase your risk of dehydration or heat stroke and should not be performed if you have a heart condition or are elderly or nursing, according to Dr. Roshini Raj in an interview with CNN Health's The Chart. When in doubt, consult your doctor to determine if yoga is right for your physical condition.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Yoga Exercises for Eyes

How to Do Yoga for Eyes Exercises

When the eyesight gets worse the optometrists prescribe eyeglasses. But before wearing them everyday try yogic eye exercises that existed for centuries and helped millions to get perfect vision back.

1. Start with massaging your lower eyelids with the tips of your ring fingers. Use short and gentle circular movements.

2. Close your eyes halfway down. You will notice that your upper lids constantly tremble with different amplitude. Concentrate your efforts on stopping this trembling. Slowly close your eyes, like your eyelids are made out of puffy cottony clouds. Think that your eyes get extremely comfortable in their position. The blood filled with the oxygen flows through your eye sockets. When you inhale imagine the breezy oxygenated air coming through your nose into the eyes. Exhale through the mouth. Breathe this way for one or two minutes and end this exercise with a smile for eyes.

3. Concentrate your vision on the tip of your nose.

4. Blink. Always remember about the blinking to lubricate your eyes, cleanse them and at the same time relax all of the muscles surrounding your eyes.

5. Sit straight, look to the most left side and hold to stretch your eye muscles. Return your gaze back to look straight in front of you. Blink for a few seconds in order to relax your eyes. Repeat. Blink a few times. This exercise has to be repeated for other eye positions (right, up, bottom, right top corner, right bottom corner, left bottom corner and left top corner). Do not forget about blinking.

6. Draw a horizontal number eight with your eyes. Blink.

7. Draw a circle with your eyes.

8. Blink with your eyes closed.

9. Perform palming to relax your eyes.

10. Finish up with palming to relax your eyes.

Monday 5 August 2013

Do Cyclists Need to Learn Yoga Poses?

This quick 5-min yoga sequence can be used pre or post ride. It focusses on stretching through the entire body whilst increasing the mobility & flexibility of the joints that most cyclists use. With our Osteo Bret a keen cyclist and the start of the Tour De France this 5-min yoga forcyclists sequence is a great warm up or cool down option. Even if you’re not a cyclists this is still a great warm up or cool down workout sequence that doesn’t require any equipment so it can be done anywhere.
Hold each of the following postures for 5-10 breaths. Cat pose Seated kneel Big cat stretch Down dog Cobra Lunge Pigeon Lying twist Lying hamstring stretch
1. Cat pose
2. Seated kneel
3. Big cat stretch
4. Down dog
5. Cobra Lunge
6. Pigeon Lying twist
Full sequence including instructions:
Cat pose
Starting on all fours, wrists under shoulders, knees under hips, inhale as you arch through the spine, roll the shoulders down and away from the ears and look forward. Exhale tuck the tail, round through the upper back and relax the head and neck.
Flow through in your own time, completing 5 full rounds.
This posture is great for stretching through the upper back and opening through the chest, this is a great posture to counter your normal cycling position.
Seated kneel
Take the buttocks to the heels, sit up tall and allow the spine to lengthen, as we stretch through the shins, toes and ankles.
Big cat stretch
Inhale to come forward, reach your hands out in front and walk you knees back under your hips. Gently move your head and chest in between your upper arms towards the ground and hold for 5-10 breaths, opening up through the upper back and chest.
Downward facing dog
Walk the hands back towards the knees as you push into palms, lift the knees and take the buttocks towards the sky for a down dog. Opening and lengthening the spine, stretching through the hamstrings and mobilising all of the joints from the wrists through to the ankles.
Drop to the knees, take the shoulders over the wrists and lower your way all the way onto the floor as if you were doing a push-up. Inhale, roll the shoulders down and away from the ears as you gently push into the hands and lift the chest. Hold for 5 breaths before lowering the chest back to the floor, pushing back onto hands and knees and back into your down dog.
Inhale in down dog and as you exhale step your left foot in between your hands for a lunge position.  Take your hands to your bent leg and settle into this stretch for the right hip flexors. To intensify the stretch reach around a take a hold of the back leg and breathe.
Release the back leg and push back into your down dog to repeat on the right side.
Hold each side for 5-10 breaths before releasing and transitioning back through your down dog.
Inhale in down dog and as you exhale bend your left knee and take your left knee to your left wrist. Lower the back knee to the ground and square off the hips. Stay here or lower the forearms to the ground and drop the head. Take 5-10 breaths opening and stretching through the glutes and hip.
Release, transitioning back through down dog and take pigeon on the opposite side.
Hold for a further 5-10 breaths before releasing back to your down dog before making your way onto hands and knees and onto your back for some lying postures.
Lying twist
Lying on your back, extend both legs out in front and take a bend to the right knee. Exhale as you twist open to the left. Extend the arms out to shoulder height and look out over the right hand, trying to keep both shoulders on the floor.
Inhale through centre and change the legs gently twisting open to the right, through the lumbar spine as we mobilise the lower joints of lower back.
Lying hamstring stretch
Inhale through centre, bend both knees and extend right leg towards the sky, holding on behind the calf or hamstring with both hands. For a deeper stretch extend the left leg long along the floor and start to mobilise the ankle by flexing and extending the right foot.
Release the right leg back to the floor and repeat on the left side. Try to keep both shoulders on the ground and relax through the head and neck. Release the leg to the floor to finish.
For best results aim to hold each of the postures in this sequence for a min of 5 breaths.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Yoga Poses For Beginners: 5 Steps for New Yogis

5 Steps for New Yogis

1. Easy Cross Leg (Sukhasana) For Stress Relief
Sit cross-legged on a Yoga for Beginner mat with your hand on your knees, palms up. Keep your spine as straight as you can. Push the bones you're sitting on down into the floor -- your "sit bones" in yoga-speak. Close your eyes and inhale. "This is a great pose for beginners to use as an assessment," says Gwen Lawrence, yoga coach for the New York Giants and other sports teams and celebrities. "Just sitting on the floor gives you a perfect way to see and feel the external rotation on the legs." This pose also boosts back flexibility and can help relieve stress.

2. Cat-Cow Pose For Back Pain
Get on your mat on all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips. Distribute your weight equally between your hands and spread your fingers wide. Inhale and round your back, arching it up as you lower your chin to your chest; feel the stretch from your neck to your tailbone, like a cat. As you exhale, lower your back down all the way to a scoop shape as you lift your head, and tilt it back. "Repeat a few times to loosen your spine and open your chest," says Susie Lopez, New York yoga and wellness educator.
3. Tree Pose For Balance
Start by standing straight for this pose. Bring your hands together in the prayer position and lift them over your head. Balance on your right leg. Bend your left knee out to the left side and press your left foot to the inner thigh of your right leg. Hold for 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat. "This pose helps to stretch the body long, from the heels to the tips of your fingers," says fitness trainer and wellness coach Shea Vaughn, author of Breakthrough: The 5 Living Principles to Defeat Stress, Look Great, and Find Total Well-Being (and mom of actor Vince Vaughn). It will also help you gain improved balance and flexibility.
4. Downward-Facing Dog For Flexibility
In the downward-facing dog, your body forms an inverted V-shape. Start by placing both hands on the mat in front of you, palms down. Your hands should be slightly in front of your shoulders. Place your knees on the ground directly under your hips. Exhale as you lift your knees off the ground and lift your buttocks and hips toward the ceiling. Push the top of your thighs back and stretch your heels down toward the floor. Keep your head down between your upper arms and in line with them, not hanging down. Look at your belly. "The important thing is to create a long straight spine," Lopez says. Hold the position for 5 to 10 breaths, and try to deepen your stretch with each exhalation.
5. Child's Pose For Relaxation
This is among the most healing of all yoga poses, Lopez says, reminiscent of the fetal position. Anytime you feel overwhelmed or tired, relax into child's pose, she says. From downward-facing dog, simply bend your knees and lower your butt to your heels as you bring your chest toward the floor over your knees. Lower your shoulders and head to the floor. Place your arms along your sides, palms up or you can support your head by folding your arms under your forehead. Breathe and relax for as long as you need to. This pose is also good for stretching out your back, says Jane Foody, New York area yoga instructor, yoga teacher trainer, and author of Guided Relaxation and Savasana Scripts for Yoga Teachers.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Know about Yoga

Yoga is a part of ancient history. It is an art, a study and was a part of ancient education.  In Gurukuls, the students would start the day with some yoga and meditation (dhyaan). This technique has been carried forward since then. Though it’s practice has reduced as compared to the past but it still lives on. This ancient practice is equally relevant in the modern times. Infact lot of people have started recognizing the strength of yoga. People have customized yoga to their needs. Yoga has now also been mixed with music and speed to form acrobats and fun yoga.With world becoming a village the knowledge of yoga has spread by leaps and bounds all across the globe.Yoga is not only essential for a health body but also for a healthy mind.
Yoga in its true sense is a mixture of different asana ad postures with a rhythmic breathing. Yoga hasasanas are essential for general health butbenefit people with specific health problems like diabetess, obesity, migraine, etc.
“I lost 8 kg just by practicing yoga regularly for 4 months and I still continue the practice,” shares Vishakha Sana
Yoga not only works at the problem but also cure. For example: in case of migraine yoga asans help not only to cure the pain but also cure its to the roots.  But in order for it to work effectively, it requires commitment to your practice of asanas.
Yoga is something that can be practiced by all age groups from a youth to an elderly person. For example: ard matsar asanas(balancing the body on head with head down and legs up) is performed by kids for fun. Cat stretching  (standing on your hands and knees and stretching)Simple asanass like neck rotation etc can be performed by elderly. Even a baby inside a womb, a baby does stretches.
Daily and regular yoga helps in improving and getting a better work result. Yoga helps in getting a focus mind. With this focus mind it is easy to do a work efficiently and effectively. The productivity increases and you are left satisfied with your work at the end of the day
Thus yoga seems to be a gift to mankind which the our insisters and we had alike but they used it better and more.