Wednesday 24 December 2014

yoga affect your life ?

You can feel frustrated or relaxed by yoga. It can help you release tension and unwind, or you can end up wanting to bang your head against the wall if you're not as flexible as you might like. Yoga can affect your life in a number ways. The way it specifically affects your life depends on you, your body, your outlook and your goals.

Physical Wellness
Yoga can have a positive affect on your life due to its numerous physical benefits. A regular yoga practice can help increase your level of flexibility, range of motion and muscle strength and improve your posture. Yoga may help you manage the effects of certain chronic health conditions, including cancer and chronic pain, according to the Mayo Clinic. Yoga may even improve your quality of sleep. A study published in 2004 in the journal, "Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback," found that yoga improved the quality of sleep and reduced the number of awakenings in study participants with chronic insomnia.

Mental Wellness
Yoga may improve your overall feeling of mental well-being by helping you develop better coping mechanisms during times of stress. It may also reduce the symptoms of certain mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression. A study published in 2005 in the "Medical Science Monitor" found that distressed women experienced a significant reduction in symptoms of anxiety, depression and perceived stress and reported improved feelings of well-being after participating in an intensive three-month yoga program.

Spiritual Wellness
There's not much clinical evidence to support the claim, but many practitioners of yoga believe that it can provide a number of spiritual benefits. In her book, "Living Your Yoga: Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life," yoga instructor, physical therapist and psychologist Judith Lasater explains that practicing yoga means "to commit to developing awareness by observing our lives." Through various asanas, pranayama breath techniques and meditation, yoga helps you develop an attitude of mindfulness and an accepting, non-judgmental attitude toward yourself and others. Yoga can support you on your voyage of self-discovery and self-realization, says Dr. Swami Shankardev Saraswati in an article for Yoga Journal.

Negative Impact
As with all physical activities, you run the risk of injury while practicing yoga, especially if you perform the poses incorrectly. And some forms of yoga may cause more harm than good, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Bikram, or "hot," yoga, may increase your risk of dehydration or heat stroke and should not be performed if you have a heart condition or are elderly or nursing, according to Dr. Roshini Raj in an interview with CNN Health's The Chart. When in doubt, consult your doctor to determine if yoga is right for your physical condition.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Yoga Exercises for Eyes

How to Do Yoga for Eyes Exercises

When the eyesight gets worse the optometrists prescribe eyeglasses. But before wearing them everyday try yogic eye exercises that existed for centuries and helped millions to get perfect vision back.

1. Start with massaging your lower eyelids with the tips of your ring fingers. Use short and gentle circular movements.

2. Close your eyes halfway down. You will notice that your upper lids constantly tremble with different amplitude. Concentrate your efforts on stopping this trembling. Slowly close your eyes, like your eyelids are made out of puffy cottony clouds. Think that your eyes get extremely comfortable in their position. The blood filled with the oxygen flows through your eye sockets. When you inhale imagine the breezy oxygenated air coming through your nose into the eyes. Exhale through the mouth. Breathe this way for one or two minutes and end this exercise with a smile for eyes.

3. Concentrate your vision on the tip of your nose.

4. Blink. Always remember about the blinking to lubricate your eyes, cleanse them and at the same time relax all of the muscles surrounding your eyes.

5. Sit straight, look to the most left side and hold to stretch your eye muscles. Return your gaze back to look straight in front of you. Blink for a few seconds in order to relax your eyes. Repeat. Blink a few times. This exercise has to be repeated for other eye positions (right, up, bottom, right top corner, right bottom corner, left bottom corner and left top corner). Do not forget about blinking.

6. Draw a horizontal number eight with your eyes. Blink.

7. Draw a circle with your eyes.

8. Blink with your eyes closed.

9. Perform palming to relax your eyes.

10. Finish up with palming to relax your eyes.